The Hair, Beauty and Style Awards and Customer Excellence Awards 2024 are coming……
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A modern, exciting, stylish awards ceremony to show the best of Wexford’s Hair, Beauty, and Style along with the best in Customer Excellence. From salons and boutiques to freelancers and all your favs in all Customer Facing roles…. we can’t wait to showcase the very best in the region. With a prestigious ceremony night on the Sunday 8th December 2024 (note the date change) in the luxury 4-star Clayton Whites Hotel, Co. Wexford.
All of our shortlisted businesses & professionals will get to experience an amazing night of food, fun, and excitement as all of our winners are announced. All the shortlisted businesses will be shared online to let everyone know that they are at the top of their professions.
We here at Brighter Horizons Management are delighted to be given the opportunity to showcase the very best of Wexford’s fashion, make-up, boutiques, nails, hair, and many more!